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Look Up. Speak Up.

Together we’re watching over public transit for anything suspicious.

To send your anonymous tip, photo or video, download and use the “Look Up. Speak Up.” app.

In the event of an immediate emergency, call 911.

Send your tips 24/7/365

ANY TIME you see something suspicious on or around mass transit, you can report it to the proper authorities by using our “Look Up. Speak Up.” app. Tips are completely anonymous, and they're accepted and responded to around the clock, all year round.

It's up to all of us to do our part

What should you report?

Stay alert and report anything suspicious that you notice on or around public transit — activities and items such as …

  • Suspicious loitering in or around transit facilities.
  • Individuals questioning transit security procedures.
  • Unauthorized persons entering restricted areas.
  • Individuals mapping or photographing security systems, cameras or patrols.
  • Unattended backpacks and packages
Philadelphia Area Regional Transit Security Working Group

Philadelphia Area Regional Transit Security Working Group (PARTSWG) is a partnership that includes Amtrak, DART, DRPA, PATCO, DVIC, NJ Transit, SEPTA and other regional transit agencies.